New Club Structure
We are excited to announce that the board has settled on new by-laws that will help govern our club. Those by-laws can be found on our website at Everyone is encouraged to read through them to gain a better understanding of club member expectations and opportunities.
Each of the five board members have accepted roles and responsibilities to help better align with the bylaws and to provide more specific support to the future endeavors of the club. That information can be found on our website as well right above the bylaws.
One of the new aspects of the bylaws is the Members at Large role. This role allows individuals who would like to become board members in the future a way to grow into responsibilities in leadership along with the current board with the possibility of moving into a board position in the future.
The bylaws also describe some details about the new Course Director role and the subsequent Course Custodian and Course Team roles. We’ll be reaching out to members for volunteers in the short future to fill those roles and provide more specifics on expectations on how we see those roles taking shape in the bigger picture.
2020 Membership
Club dues have been set at $20. We are accepting membership dues at this time. As always, we are open to donations from individuals, businesses, etc.
Marion Parks Department
We are also excited to announce that discussions have started with the Marion parks department about ways the club can contribute to the Legion disc golf course and the Marion disc golf community.
Information regarding our next meeting will be coming soon.
If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts don’t hesitate to reach out to a board member!