Mission Statement
The purpose of the Cedar Rapids Metro Disc Golf Club is to promote the development of disc golf and other disc activities through organization, cooperation, competition and community involvement. We shall…
- Give back to the community through charitable activities
- Organize and coordinate the efforts of member volunteers to increase the quality and quantity of Disc activities in the greater Cedar Rapids area
- Educate its members and the community on the healthy benefits and joys of disc golfing
- Emphasize safety by encouraging all players to ensure, as best possible, that other Park users are clear of potential disc flight paths before throwing
- Provide information on disc golf and disc related activities
Meet the Board of Directors
Aaron Swander
I enjoy many aspects of disc golf — competition, disc sales/collecting, disc manufacturing techniques, understanding course design, disc golf memes, and the physics of flight to name a few. I have an affinity for forehands and occasionally make a putt.
Nile Studer
Vice President
I’ve been playing disc golf since 2018, and it has certainly taken over my life. There are many reasons why, but the accessibility, community, and variety of courses truly make it unique sport and experience. My goals are to strengthen the local community and create a positive impact for current and future disc golfers.
Colby McIntire
I found disc golf back in 2008 while in college. At the time I didn’t realize how much disc golf would mean to me now. You can find me out playing in about any weather, rain or shine.
Garrett Miller
Communications Director
I found disc golf between my freshman & sophomore year of college where I studied to become a graphic designer. It very quickly became my favorite pastime, no matter the season. 18 years later I find myself growing the sport through a passion for design & a love of the game.
Michael Deeter
Tech Director
I am the co-owner of ProFlight Disc and was the PDGA Iowa State Coordinator for 7 years. I’ve been playing disc golf since 2011. My passion is to improve the state of disc golf in our local community and to encourage others to share my passion.
Brian Eschen
Board Member at-Large
Lance Foxwell
Board Member at-Large
Chuck Nolte
Board Member at-Large
Club Bylaws
- Name
- The name of this organization is the “Cedar Rapids Metro Disc Golf Club” hereafter referred to in these bylaws as the Club.
- Club Structure
- Board of Directors Structure
- The Board of Directors will consist of at least 5 Officer positions and up to 6 Members at Large.
- Roles may be combined as skills are available by the filled positions.
Board roles will include:- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Course Director
- Tech Director
- Communications Director
- Event Director
- Members at Large (up to 6)
- If a role is unable to be maintained by the current number of Board Members, the board may choose to expand the number of board positions so that the needs of the club are met.
- Each Board position is elected annually by Club Members’ majority vote each November, with one (1) calendar year terms beginning January of the following year. The term for each Board position has no maximum limit; however, incumbent Board Members must be reelected each year. If a Board position becomes vacant, that position shall be filled as soon as possible through a special election, the results of which shall be immediately effective.
- Any Club Member in good standing may run for election to the Board of Directors in a Member at Large role.
- To become a board member, a Club Member must first run for a Board Member at Large and serve a one-year term in that role. Any Officer, current or former, may run for an Officer role at any time.
- Board Member Basic Requirements. All Board Members and Members at Large positions…
- Must attend no fewer than 4 Club meetings (of 6 [bi-monthly]) annually to be considered in good standing.
- Must attend no fewer than 8 Board meetings (of 12 [monthly]) annually to be considered in good standing.
- Must be a current dues paying Member of the Club.
- Shall act with professionalism, fairness, and honesty in all Club matters.
- Shall address all inquiries and suggestions from Club Members and respond to each in a timely manner.
- Shall represent the Club with proper and positive attitude and strive to promote the Club at all times.
- Must participate in solicitation of sponsorships for any event held by the club and any other event requiring sponsorship
- Failure of a Board Member to remain in good standing shall result in sanctions including disqualification of eligibility to seek another reelection to the Board, and in extreme cases petition for removal.
- No Board Member shall be personally liable for any debts or liabilities of the Club in general, unless said Board Member’s acts or omissions, causing such debts or liabilities, involve willful or wanton misconduct. No Board Member shall gain any personal profit from the actions of the Club.
- The Board may use US Postal/ Services ,traditional and/or electronic mail services for official Club correspondence and/or notices as required by law.
- Any Club Member may seek the removal of any Board Member if he/she claims that said Board Member is in breach of that positions duties, as outlined herein. Any petitions for removal must be received by the Board no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the next monthly Club meeting at which the vote shall occur. Both the plaintiff and the defendant shall first receive the opportunity to publicly defend their point of view.
- Any Club Member in good standing may nominate any member for any Board of Directors position, including themselves, given the person meets all requirements herein to assume the role.
- Nominations are open to all members and should be submitted at the September club meeting and/or at least two (2) weeks prior to the posted November election meeting.
- Board of Directors Structure
- Board Member Roles
- President
- The President shall chair Club meetings and special sessions of the officers. The Secretary and Treasurer shall report to the President.
- The President is responsible for maintaining positive relationships with Club members, local non-member players, and other disc golf organizations, including but not limited to city/county officials, local parks and recreation employees.
- The President is responsible for communicating with local city entities in coordination with the club’s needs.
- The President is responsible for answering all club email inquiries and will delegate email responsibilities to other Board Members as needed.
- The President shall have access to the Club’s bank account(s) and other investments, if any.
- The President is expected to know and understand the roles of each Board of Directors Member as well as any other leadership role within the club in order to…
- Properly delegate tasks not otherwise defined in the bylaws
- Fill in for any role when needed
- Track the status of these roles to help expose where assistance may be needed
- Maintain and promote accountability
- The President is responsible for drafting any/all public correspondence including but not limited to: Newsletters to the public, public flyers, articles/write-ups for websites or paper publications outside of the scope of the club. Any public correspondence that has been drafted must then be approved by the Board of Directors for publication.
- Vice President
- The Vice President is responsible for maintaining positive relationships with Club members, local non-member players, and other disc golf organizations, including but not limited to city/county officials, local parks and recreation employees.
- The Vice President will assist the President when required.
- In the event of the President’s absence, the Vice President shall chair Club meetings.
- The Vice President shall have access to the Club’s bank account(s) and other investments, if any.
- The Vice President, in coordination with the President, is responsible for delegating any non-elected leadership roles/tasks required for club operation.
- The Vice President is expected to know and understand the roles of each Board of Directors Member as well as any other leadership role within the club in order to
- Properly delegate tasks not otherwise defined in the bylaws
- Fill in for any role when needed
- Secretary
- The Secretary shall record and disseminate the agenda, minutes, and notes from monthly and other Club meetings. The Secretary will also approve and submit any formal Club newsletters.
- The Secretary will assume communication responsibilities, if directed to do so by the President, on a case-by-case basis.
- The Secretary shall chair Club meetings in the President and Vice President’s absence.
- Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial integrity of the Club.
- The Treasurer maintains all accounts payable, accounts receivable, membership dues, sponsorship donations, and other Club investments.
- The Treasurer shall give a comprehensive financial status report at each club meeting.
- The Treasurer is responsible for filing all appropriate state and federal taxes and fees.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial integrity of the Club.
- Course Director
- Assists Course Custodians and Course Teams with determining course needs
- Schedules and organizes work days
- Checks in with Course Custodians on a regular basis to ensure that projects are moving forward
- Keeps a record of completed work at each course
- Maintains a list of contacts for specific tools, services or expertise
- Helps organize materials needed for course maintenance (probably/possibly with assistance of other board members)
- Tech Director
- The Tech Director handles technical online strategies and technical duties to help communicate the position and direction of the club.
- This may include things like helping distribute online newsletters and surveys.
- Manages the website
- Supports online resources for the board (Google docs, spreadsheets, etc)
- Includes assisting with the membership management and financial resource tools
- The Tech Director handles technical online strategies and technical duties to help communicate the position and direction of the club.
- Communications Director
- Promotes club activities on social media and the website
- Website content manager
- Promote membership recruiting
- Event Director
- Manages the club tournaments (min 2 each year).
- Manages a weekly club league
- Members at Large
- All Members at Large must be Club members in good standing. Members at Large will report to the board.
- Member at Large responsibilities, delegated by the board, will include but won’t be limited to:
- weekly event organization,
- monthly event organization
- designated sub-roles
- club social gatherings
- fundraiser activities
- community outreach activities
- other leadership roles which may be required
- Members at Large will use the position of leadership to gain valuable experience in all areas of club operation in order to become effective Officers of the club in the future.
- Members at Large, as outlined above, must maintain a satisfactory standing for one (1) calendar year, fulfilling any and all requirements of the role prior to running for an elected Officer position.
- President
- Unique Membership Opportunities/Positions
- Course Custodian (one per course: Shaver, Jones, Hiawatha)
- Course Custodian requires an annual commitment starting at the beginning of the calendar year
- A volunteer position that any club member (in good standing) can apply to fill
- This role is evaluated at the end of every calendar year.
- Nominations to fill this role should be submitted by November
- If multiple nominations are presented, the board will vote on the available applicants to fill the role appropriately
- The Course Custodian with work in coordination with the Course Director to track maintenance needs at the course along with helping with updates in conjunction with the priorities set by the Course Director.
- The Course Custodian may manage small projects with Course Team Members with the permission and guidance of the Course Director and according to the priorities governed by the Course Director
- If the Course Custodian fails to meet the requirements or acts apart from or misused their position against the direction of the Course Director, he/she may be removed from position by way of a Board vote.
- Course Team Member
- Works under the authority of the Course Director and Course Custodian
- Course Teams are expected to be able to work together to accomplish projects on the local courses in order to further the development and improve the playing conditions of our local courses.
- Course Team Members can occasionally do small solo projects on the course with permission from the Course Director or Course Custodian
- Course Team Members can lead volunteer crews on large work days with guidance of the Course Director or Course Custodian
- Course Custodian (one per course: Shaver, Jones, Hiawatha)
- Club Member
- Membership shall not be denied to any individual based on race, religion, sex, ethnicity, age, dialect, or level of disc golf ability. Membership is valid January 1 of the current year through January 1 of the following year and is contingent upon payment of annual dues. Membership can be denied or revoked by Officer’s majority vote for violent, obscene, or harmful behavior, or for nonpayment of money owed to the club. Membership dues shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors, who may choose to increase or decrease the fee. Membership dues shall be used for the growth of the Club and expenses as listed herein.
- A club member is considered in good standing when his/ her membership dues are current and he/ she has no outstanding debts to the club. All club members are expected to demonstrate upstanding conduct while present at any course and during all club related activities.
- Failure to maintain upstanding conduct including but not limited to: intentional damage to park property, littering, excessive foul language, demonstrative rage, violation of park rules, violation of Club bylaws, etc., will be reviewed by Board Members at Large and dealt with by the Board of Directors. A three (3) strike warning system will be implemented, leading to the expulsion of said member(s) from the club. Warnings will be issued by the Board of Directors.
- Club Members have the right to vote at end-of-year (annual) elections for officers as specified above. Members may also have the opportunity to vote during special session votes or elections, as specified by the officers. At annual elections, Members may vote:
- In person at the November Club meeting
- Electronic proxy: cast vote via email to an Officer or by way of online surveys from the Club
- All Club Members have the right to express their viewpoints at club meetings or through the Club’s internet presence. Club Members are responsible for proper use of Club information, documents, and for their own behavior. Club Members have the right to petition or lobby other Club Members and Board Members for the purpose of improving the Club or to sway a decision. This type of activity is limited to issues directly related to Club matters and should not be used as a platform for private gain, political/religious affiliations, or personal agendas.
- Club members are responsible for their own safety and wellbeing at any club sponsored event. Club members will participate in club events at their own risk and will never be required to attend any event they do not wish to participate in due to safety concerns. Safety hazards will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and corrective action taken when necessary.
- All Club Members have the right to attend Club functions (unless a Member is specifically required to attend said function as required by these Bylaws). All Members are highly encouraged to attend Club meetings, volunteer at Club events and functions, and promote disc golf in a positive manner.
- Financial Structure
- Expenses
- Any purchases on the Club’s behalf over $200 must be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Expenses include but are not limited to membership gifts, tournament prizes and entry packages, advertising, insurance, course maintenance/enhancement, web hosting, and other incidental expenses incurred during the operation of the Club.
- Any funds loaned to the club by individual Members shall be returned in full within the agreed upon time frame.
- Only the President, Vice President and Treasurer will have access to any/all club bank accounts/payment methods. A Board Member may make purchases on the behalf of one of these 3 individuals with Board approval.
- Income
- Any income from club hosted events, sponsorships, or the sale of merchandise shall remain the property of the Club.
- Such funds shall be used only for the growth of the club and expenses as listed above.
- Any funds invested by the club should be maintained by the Treasurer.
- No Club Member shall profit from any income the Club receives in the process of normal operations.
- All income and funds residing in the bank account(s) shall be used for the specific purpose of furthering the purpose of Cedar Rapids Metro Disc Golf Club and promoting disc golf in our communities.
- Bank Account Information
- An active checking account shall be maintained at all times for the purpose of paying any and all expenses related to the business of the Club.
- PayPal/other online accounts will also be maintained for expenses requiring such an account.
- As outlined above in “Expenses”, only the President, Vice President and Treasurer will have access to any/all bank account information.
- Memberships
- Membership fees are $20 each year and include the benefits of a bag tag, invitation to member only events, discount at league play where applicable.
- Memberships will run for an entire calendar year from January 1st to December 31st.
- Anyone who is not currently a club member will regain their active status by paying the current dues.
- Anyone joining on or after November 1 will be given full membership privileges for the remainder of that year and the following year.
- Expenses
- Disbanding of the Club
- Should the Club be dissolved, all material possessions of the organization must be sold and the monies obtained for the sale donated to charity after all debts have been paid.
- Bylaws
- These bylaws may be amended to or changed by proposition of any club member by including in writing the requested changes by way of unanimous board approval or by club vote (if board is not unanimous). Changes should be submitted to the board at least 2 weeks prior to any public meeting.